零点课堂 | A Beginner's Guide to Candlestick Charts(1)-零点财经

零点课堂 | A Beginner's Guide to Candlestick Charts(1)

As a newcomer to trading or investing, reading charts can be a daunting task. Some rely on their gut feeling and make their investments based on their intuition. While this strategy might temporarily work in a bullish market environment, it most likely won’t in the long run.

Essentially, trading and investing are games of probabilities and risk management. So, being able to read candlestick charts is vital to almost any investment style. This article will explain what candlestick charts are and how to read them.

What is a candlestick chart?

A candlestick chart is a type of financial chart that graphically represents the price moves of an asset for a given timeframe. As the name suggests, it’s made up of candlesticks, each representing the same amount of time. The candlesticks can represent virtually any period, from seconds to years.

Candlestick charts date back to about the 17th century. Their creation as a charting tool is often credited to a Japanese rice trader called Homma. His ideas were likely what provided the foundation for what is now used as the modern candlestick chart. Homma’s findings were refined by many, most notably by Charles Dow, one of the fathers of modern technical analysis.

While candlestick charts could be used to analyze any other types of data, they are mostly employed to facilitate the analysis of financial markets. Used correctly, they’re tools that can help traders gauge the probability of outcomes in the price movement. They can be useful as they enable traders and investors to form their own ideas based on their analysis of the market.

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零点课堂 | A Beginner's Guide to Candlestick Charts(1)

2021-03-09 15:14:47

As a newcomer to trading or investing, reading charts can be a daunting task. Some rely on their gut feeling and make their investments based on their intuition. While this strategy might temporarily work in a bullish market environment, it most likely won’t in the long run.

Essentially, trading and investing are games of probabilities and risk management. So, being able to read candlestick charts is vital to almost any investment style. This article will explain what candlestick charts are and how to read them.

What is a candlestick chart?

A candlestick chart is a type of financial chart that graphically represents the price moves of an asset for a given timeframe. As the name suggests, it’s made up of candlesticks, each representing the same amount of time. The candlesticks can represent virtually any period, from seconds to years.

Candlestick charts date back to about the 17th century. Their creation as a charting tool is often credited to a Japanese rice trader called Homma. His ideas were likely what provided the foundation for what is now used as the modern candlestick chart. Homma’s findings were refined by many, most notably by Charles Dow, one of the fathers of modern technical analysis.

While candlestick charts could be used to analyze any other types of data, they are mostly employed to facilitate the analysis of financial markets. Used correctly, they’re tools that can help traders gauge the probability of outcomes in the price movement. They can be useful as they enable traders and investors to form their own ideas based on their analysis of the market.

声明:本文由 Binance撰写,零点财经收录,观点仅代表作者本人,绝不代表零点财经赞同其观点或证实其描述。