快讯近日,BSC首家AMM&NFT交易平台BakerySwap在推特上宣布,即将发行一款限量版定制足球。该足球在币安智能链上被映射成了对应的Socc…2021年3月22日2.91K 0 -
区块链芝士 | What is Cryptography?
快讯In a few words, cryptography is the science of hiding information. More spec…2021年3月22日3.03K 0 -
区块链芝士 | All or None Order (AON)
快讯An All or None order, often abbreviated to AON is an order made on a financi…2021年3月22日2.89K 0 -
区块链芝士 | Bounty
快讯In the context of cryptocurrencies, a bounty program is a marketing strategy…2021年3月22日2.78K 0 -
区块链芝士 | Algorithm
快讯In short, an algorithm is a set of steps that defines a sequence of actions.…2021年3月19日5.07K 0 -
区块链芝士 | ASIC-resistant
快讯ASIC-resistant is the property of a cryptocurrency that is “immune” to ASIC …2021年3月19日8.31K 0